
Secondary Programs

Learn more about our work with teens!


Our secondary education sites all follow the structure of our new program, ‘English through STEAM (STEM+Arts),’ which specializes in teaching general English language to our students through areas of arts, debate, journalism, the environment, and film. With our core intentions of ‘English through STEAM’, we are not just aiming to improve our student’s academic abilities, but students are encouraged to explore their genuine interests and gain a deeper appreciation of different perspectives, with our diverse program.

Our volunteers regularly meet with teacher representatives from the schools we partner with to carefully craft the curriculum in order to cater to the needs of students of all learning ages and abilities. By doing so, all students - regardless of their knowledge in English, are ensured to benefit equally from our weekly sessions.

The flexibility and adaptability of ‘English through STEAM’ bring together the best parts of our previous site-specific education curricula, allowing our students to explore their own learning paths. 

At the end of each academic year, students embark on a personal project pertaining to a topic or subject learnt in class, to express and consolidate their learnings from the past term into a tangible product.

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